Capabilities & Services - Manufacturing
Transition to Production
Supply Chain Value Added Sustainment Solutions
Design for Test
Regal Offers Testability Analysis Reports
DFT Reports Include:
Percentage of the Test Coverage
List of Inaccessible Nodes
Reason for No Test Access
Benefits of the DFT Include:
Minimize the Frequency of a PCB Re-spin
Minimize Design Induced Manufacturing Issues
Provides an Effective Communication Platform
Identifies Key Inspection Points
Design for Manufacturing
Regal Offers Valuable Feedback When Provided with the Following Information Using Mentor Graphics Valor NPI System:
ASCII Output of the CAD Data
Fabrication Drawing-DXF, Gerber or PDF
Assembly Drawing-DXF, Gerber, or PDF
Parts List-XLS, Schematic-PDF
Benefits of the DFM Include:
Reduce Cost of Assembly Through Identification of Non-standard Processes
Provide Engineering With Proposals to Make the Product
Manufacturing More Repeatable
Minimize the Need for Excessive Tooling
Design for Cost
Regal Offers Valuable DTUPC Feedback throughout the design lifecycle, validating at each milestone
Regal Offers Valuable DTUPC Feedback throughout the design lifecycle:
Entire design priced and evaluated against DTUPC (Design To Unit Production Cost) at each major milestone and/or review i.e.PDR, CDR, FDR
Each update to BOM is repriced and rolled into costed BOM and evaluated against DTUPC
Mechanical design cost updated with each major design release
Assembly labor estimated and updated at each major milestone and/or review i.e. PDR, CDR, FDR to validate labor cost do not increase as a result of changes to design complexity
Test labor estimated and updated at release of test plan, ATP, and at each major milestone and/or design